Louis Schatz and Alan Preis, CPA, will present the session “Current Developments in NJ/CT Taxation” during the 2020 NCCPAP Virtual Accounting and Tax Symposium.
Lou will review recent Connecticut tax developments, including legislative, judicial, and administrative changes. Particular emphasis will be placed on Connecticut’s reaction to COVID-19, recent changes to Connecticut’s pass-through entity tax, an update of Connecticut’s legislative responses to the Federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act, as well as changes to the Connecticut sales tax laws following the Supreme Court’s decision in Wayfair.
Alan will offer a discussion of optional New Jersey Passthrough Entity Business tax first effective for 2020; v Recent NJ pronouncements for mandatory combined reporting first effective for 2019; Effect of Covid on telecommuting and statutory residency; and other NJ issues affecting sales and use tax, personal income tax and corporation business tax.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 8:00am – 9:50am EST
WHERE: Virtual
The event is hosted by the National Conference of CPA Practitioners (NCCPAP). For more information and to register, visit the NCCPAP event page.