The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) announced the launch of its Tax Amnesty Program. The program began November 1, 2021 and ends January 31, 2022. The program offers taxpayers who owe Connecticut taxes the opportunity to satisfy outstanding tax liabilities on a favorable basis. In particular, the program provides a 75% reduction in interest, waives all penalties, and avoids criminal prosecution.

Taxpayers who have not filed, have under reported obligations or have existing liabilities relating to taxes owed to the DRS may participate in the program. The program applies to any taxable period ending on or before December 31, 2020, for any Connecticut tax collected by the DRS except the motor carrier road tax.

Taxpayers seeking amnesty must apply to the DRS for acceptance into the program and make full payment of taxes and the reduced interest by January 31, 2022. Taxpayers seeking amnesty can access the application online at  Once the Tax Amnesty Program ends, taxpayers who did not participate in the program will be liable for the full tax, penalty, and interest on any amount owed. While the window to participate in this program is short, the benefits to a taxpayer are substantial. If you owe any back Connecticut taxes, we recommend that you seriously consider taking advantage of this opportunity.

If you have any questions about Connecticut’s Tax Amnesty Program and how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity, please contact any member of our State and Local Tax Practice Group.